19 December 2014

Winter Break

There is NO SCHOOL December 22-January 2.  School resumes January 5!  Have a great break!

21 October 2014


The morning of October 31, fourth grade will be having our annual Gourdfest in our classrooms!  This involves math/science based activities, followed by a gourd decorating contest.  We are in need of some items for this special event, and are hoping you can help!  If you are able to donate any of the following items to your child's class, we would greatly appreciate it:  gourds (we need 30 per class), tacky glue, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, feathers, stickers,  beads, and any other craft supplies that can be used to decorate the gourds.  Please send any donations in with your child.  Again, thank you so much for your help!  

30 September 2014

Reading Calendars

In fourth grade, students are expected to read 400 minutes each month as part of their Reading grade.  Students will keep track on their Reading Calendar, which is sent home each month.  Make sure to keep it in a safe place!  If you need another copy, you can print one by clicking the link below! :)  At the end of the month, please make sure to total your minutes, sign the bottom, then have a parent sign to verify that the information on the calendar is correct.  The Reading Calendar is due on the first school day of the following month, so your October calendar is due Monday, November 3!

24 September 2014

Print Study Links from Home!!

Click on "Important Links" at the top of this page, scroll down to "Math Study Links" then find the one you need! :)

19 August 2014

Class lists!

Class lists will be posted on Friday by the main office.  We are looking forward to meeting our new 4th graders!! :)

02 August 2014

School begins in ONE month!!

Fourth graders---are you ready for a great year?!  We're excited to meet you in one month!!  Enjoy your last month of summer vacation and we'll see you soon!!

21 July 2014

01 July 2014

2014-2015 School Calendar

The HPS calendar is posted on the main Howell Schools page.  Mark your calendars...the first day of school is Tuesday, September 2. :)

10 June 2014

Happy Summer!

It's the end of the school year!  We hope you have a wonderful summer break!  See you in the fall!

Make sure to check out the "Important Links" for fun games you can play over the summer! :)

08 June 2014

The End Is Near!

Summer is just around the corner!  A few notes for the last couple days...
*4th grade Spelling Bee is tomorrow!
*Fourth grade pizza party is Tuesday.  Students do not need to bring lunches.  We will also enjoy karate, outdoor fun, and yearbook signing!

It's been a fun year in fourth grade!  Thanks for all you do!

17 January 2014

4th grade updates and reminders! :)

  • Today is the end of Quarter 2!  Report Cards will come home with your child next Friday, 1/24.
  • Science Night at Hutchings tonight at 6:00pm.  
  • There is NO School on Monday, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. day.  Tuesday marks the beginning of the 3rd quarter.  We're half-way through the school year!
  • Spelling test 13 will be Tuesday.  Visit our fourth grade blog under "Important Links" for practice games and activities.  www.hutchings4th.blogspot.com
  • Girls on the Run registration begins January 8-February 10th.  For more information or to register visit http://www.girlsontherunsemi.org/
Have a great weekend! :)