30 November 2012

Updates from 4th grade (11/30)

·        Spelling Test 10 is Monday. Please remind your child to review their Words to Learn, Word Preview words, and their notes each week.  We encourage you to use the blog for extra activities and practice.  Click on “Important Links” for a plethora of different educational games!  http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com

·        We are going to see The Little Mermaid play at the Community Theatre on Thursday.  We will be leaving as soon as the transfer bus arrives and should return about 11:00am.  We can’t wait to see several Hutchings Students who are in the play!

·        There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, December 7, due to professional development.

·        Our field trips to the Capitol in Lansing are the following week.  Mrs. Palo’s class will be going on Tuesday, Ms. Bradner’s class is going on Wednesday, and Mrs. Burch’s class is going on Friday.  Reminders specific to each class will come home next week. 

·        Secret Santa Shop will be the week of December 17.

·        Unit 5 math test will be Tuesday, December 18.

·        Holiday Parties will be between specials and lunch on December 21.  You will be contacted by your child’s teacher if you signed up to help at Open House.  Our fourth graders will be watching The Polar Express  and enjoying hot cocoa that afternoon.    

·        Mark your calendars ~ Holiday Break is December 24-January 2.  Classes resume January 3.   

15 November 2012

Diversity Project and Feast Updates!! 11/15

·       Diversity Projects are due tomorrow!!  No late projects will be accepted.  Make sure to click the link at the top of our 4th grade blog to sign-up for your child’s dish.  This will help us make sure we have an even distribution among the three classes.  Thanks!!

·       Diversity Feast is Monday!  Please make sure your food is here by 12:15pm if it needs to be warmed.  If it’s ready and hot, make sure it’s here by 12:30.  If you are sending food in the morning, please make sure it's labeled with your child's name and teacher's name, and instructions for reheating, if necessary.   You must clearly indicate if there are nuts in your dish, as we have several nut allergies!  We have limited fridge space, so if you can send items in crock-pots to keep warm, that would be helpful.      

·       Spelling Test 9 is Monday. Please remind your child to review their Words to Learn, Word Preview words, and their notes each week.  We encourage you to use the blog for extra activities and practice.  http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com

·       Unit Four Math Test is Tuesday, November 20.  Review sheets will come home Friday.  Please make sure students bring their review sheet to school on Monday for the review.

·       There will be NO school November 21-23 for Thanksgiving Break.

·        We will be going on two field trips in December.  If you have not already sent in your child’s permission slip and $13 donation to cover the cost, please do so as soon as possible.  Thanks! 

09 November 2012

News and Notes 11/9

  • Spelling Test 8 is Monday. Please remind your child to review their Words to Learn, Word Preview words, and their notes each week.  We encourage you to use the blog for extra activities and practice.  http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com
  • Conferences will continue next week on November 14th. 
  • Diversity Projects are due on Friday, November 16th.  No late projects will be accepted.  Make sure to click the link at the top of our 4th grade blog to sign-up for your child’s dish.  This will help us make sure we have an even distribution among the three classes.  Thanks!!
  • We will be going on two field trips in December.  Permission slips are coming home today.  Thank you for sending them back with your donation as soon as possible!!
  • There will be NO school November 21-23 for Thanksgiving Break.

Have a great weekend!! :)

02 November 2012

Updates from 4th grade! 11/2/12

·         The end of Quarter One is today!  Report Cards will come home on Wednesday.

·         Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour this weekend!

·         Spelling Test 7 is Monday. Please remind your child to review their Words to Learn, Word Preview words, and their notes each week.  We encourage you to use the blog for extra activities and practice.  http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com

·         Mrs. Burch’s class will have their Science quarterly assessment covering the States of Matter on Wednesday, November 7th.   Ms. Bradner/Mrs. Palo’s classes will have their Science quarterly assessment covering View from the Earth on Thursday, November 8th.  We will be reviewing in class. 

·         All fourth grade classes will have their Social Studies quarterly assessment on Friday, November 9th.  We will be reviewing in class.

·         Conferences are November 8th and 14th.  You should have received and returned your conference time reminder.  Please send those in as soon as possible, if you have not already.  Thanks!

·         Diversity Project information will be coming home today.  Please make sure to take a look at the packet regarding this at-home project, sign, and return on Monday.  Projects are due Friday, November 16th.  The Feast will be Monday, November 19th.  You will be contacted to help if you signed up at Open House.  Thanks!

·         We will be going on two field trips in December.  We plan to go to the Community Theatre play, “Little Mermaid” on December 6 and to the Capitol in Lansing the following week.  Specific information and permission slips will be coming home soon!