20 December 2010
15 December 2010
Updates 12/15
Math Unit 5 Test is Tuesday, December 21. Study Guides will be passed out on Friday, December 17. If you will be out of town for the test, please let your child's teacher know so we can make arrangements for them to take the test before break.
Holiday Parties will be December 22 in the morning. Your child's teacher will send specifics. We will show The Polar Express in the afternoon.
There will be NO SCHOOL Thursday, December 23 through Friday, December 31. School will resume Monday, January 3. Have a nice break!
08 December 2010
This week's updates!
01 December 2010
December updates!
Upcoming Tests and Quizzes for all 4th graders....
- Unit 4 Math Test is Friday, December 3.
- Spelling Unit 10 Test is Monday...make sure to study there, their, and they're!
- Social Studies Southeast Map Quiz is Wednesday, December 8.
Other News and Notes...
- New Reading Logs are going home today. Make sure to read, read, read! 400 minutes are required for the month of December and Reading Logs are due January 3, 2011.
- We need winter pictures returned or money sent in to purchase them by Friday! If you do not want to purchase the package sent home, make sure the whole package is returned to school. Thanks!
- Hutchings Spirit Wear orders are due Friday.
- Jonathan Rand is visiting Hutchings on Monday, December 6. Please make sure orders for books are turned in by Monday morning at the latest.
- Santa Shopping will be next week! Mrs. Burch, Mrs. Highum, and Mrs. Palo will be shopping on Monday. Ms. Bradner's class will shop on Tuesday. Students need to bring their money on their shopping day (not before). There is no browsing day...just time to shop!
- The Hutchings Can Drive is ON!! Students will receive an apple token for bringing in at least five cans. Classes that bring in 150 cans will receive a games/electronics party!
- Holiday Parties will be December 22 in the morning. Your child's teacher will send specific information soon. We will show The Polar Express in the afternoon.
19 November 2010
Gobble, Gobble!
It was great seeing you at conferences. Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us!
There is NO SCHOOL next week! Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!
12 November 2010
Important News!
- Diversity Projects are due on Wednesday! No late projects will be accepted. Please make sure the booklet pages are paperclipped. We will bind them after they are turned in. If you need a new copy, there is a link on the 4th grade blog (http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com) where you can print what you need. Project covers were created and printed in Technology. If your child missed Technology this week, he/she will need to do their cover at home.
- The Diversity Feast is on Thursday! It is going to be a great day! Please make sure your cooked dish is here by 11:30am. If you can send it in a crock pot to keep it warm, that would be ideal. We will have parents warming food, but a crock pot is the best way to keep it warm until we serve. Students will not need to bring a lunch that day (other than their dish for the feast).
- There is NO SCHOOL for students Monday, November 22 through Friday, November 26. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Bradner/Palo Social Studies Test on chapters 4/5 is Tuesday, November 16.
22 October 2010
news and notes 10/22
Burch/Highum classes have a Social Studies test on chapter 3 Monday.
Palo/Bradner classes have a Science test covering the States of Matter on Thursday.
By Monday, November 1, we need to know the country and the dish you will be bringing to the Diversity Feast. We want to make sure we have a good selection of main dishes, side dishes, and desserts. Thanks!
Make sure to keep reading for your Book It Reading Log! Book It calendars are due Monday, November 1, 2010.
Our Annual 4th grade Gourdfest will be Friday, October 29, from 11:30-12:30. We are in need of gourds and any craft supplies that could be used to decorate gourds (especially craft glue)! All donations are appreciated!
The school parade will begin aproximately 1:50pm on Friday, October 29. Our Halloween parties will be immediately following the parade. Your child's teacher will be in contact with Halloween party information. If your child cannot participate in Halloween activities, please let your child's teacher know.
14 October 2010
MEAP, Gourdfest, & Updates
Spelling Test 5 is on Monday. Make sure to keep reading for your Book It Reading Log!
Pledges for the Hurricane Hustle can be turned in tomorrow or Monday. The Hustle will be Friday, October 22, in the afternoon.
Our Annual 4th grade Gourdfest will be Friday, October 29, from 11:30-12:30. We are in need of gourds and any craft supplies that could be used to decorate gourds (especially craft glue)! If you are interested in donating, we would appreciate it. We will begin collecting donations on Monday, October 25. Thank you!
The school parade will be aprox. 1:30pm on Friday, October 29. Our Halloween parties will be immediately following the parade. Your child's teacher will be in contact with Halloween party information.
If your child cannot participate in Halloween activities, please let your child's teacher know.
07 October 2010
Important Updates!
- Monday is the Unit 2 Math test for all 4th graders. Review Sheets are coming home today. We will be going over them Friday and reviewing in class.
- VERY IMPORTANT MEAP REMINDER: We will be MEAPing all morning on Tuesday (10-12), Wednesday (10-13), Thursday (10-14), Tuesday (10-19), and Wednesday (10-20). It is very important your child is here those days! :)
- Make sure all Hurricane Hustle money is turned in by Monday, October 18. The Hustle is Friday, October 22, in the afternoon.
01 October 2010
Updates 10/1/10
- Unit 3 Spelling Test Monday for all fourth grade classes. Make sure to study Word Preview words, Words To Learn, Core Words, and your weekly spelling notes.
- MEAP testing dates are October 12, 13, 14, 19, 20. Please try not to schedule appointments or vacations during MEAP! Thanks :)
- Hurricane Hustle walk is Friday, October 22nd. (Rain out day will be Wednesday, October 27th.) Final envelopes are due Monday, October 18th. Students will have the chance to earn a prizes with each level of donation turned in. 100% of your donations go right back to our school!
- Fall Book Fair is October 29th - November 5th. It will be open during the Halloween walk at school, but will not be open at night!
- School Store will continue to be the first Thursday of every month, beginning in October.
Box Tops.....start saving! We will be having our annual competition in January. Top classes will receive prizes. :) - Rollerama Nights will be November 18th, January 11th and March 22nd! The cost is $5.00.
24 September 2010
Reminders for Monday, September 27th
* Unit 2 Spelling Test
Have a great weekend!
17 September 2010
4th grade News & Notes 9/17/10
We're back in the swing of things and the year is going great so far! :)
Test updates:
- Students will take their first Spelling test on Monday, September 20. Make sure to review the Word Preview words for the week, as well as the Core Words (linked on the blog).
- There will be a math test on Unit 1 for all 4th grade classes on Friday, September 24. Review sheets will go home on Wednesday.
- Burch/Highum classes will have a quiz on Chaper 1 in Social Studies Monday, September 27. Review sheets will come home Thursday.
Important dates and reminders:
- Youngest students will bring home a Hutchings Elementary magnet today with important contact info, as well as important dates to remember.
- Picture Day is Monday, September 27. Wear a smile and bring your picture form!! :)
- MEAP testing dates are October 12, 13, 14, 19, 20. Please try not to schedule appointments or vacations during MEAP! Thanks
- Hurricane Hustle walk is Friday, October 22nd. (Rain out day will be Wednesday, October 27th.) Final envelopes are due Monday, October 18th. Students will have the chance to earn a chain and collect toe tokens with each level of donation turned in.
- Fall Book Fair is October 29th - November 5th. It will be open during the Halloween walk at school, but will not be open at night!
- School Store will continue to be the first Thursday of every month, beginning in October.
- Box Tops.....start saving! We will be having our annual competition in January. Top classes will receive prizes. :)
- Rollerama Nights will be November 18th, January 11th and March 22nd! The cost is $5.00.
*This update is coming to you from our 4th grade blog (http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com). If you have a question or concern, please be sure to email your child's teacher directly. If you reply to this message, your reply will go to the entire group of 4th grade parents and teachers. :)
30 August 2010
Welcome New 4th Graders!
11 June 2010
The End is Near!!
- Tuesday, June 15th, is the last day school! Report cards will be coming home with students on Tuesday.
- The 4th grade Picnic is on Tuesday, June 15th! Students will not need a lunch. We will be having subs, chips, water, and popsicles. Kids need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for afternoon activities. It's going to be a fun day!
- Class Lists for 5th grade will be posted the last week of August.
- Thank you for all of your help, support, and donations this year! We truly appreciate it! We have enjoyed teaching and learning from your children this year. Happy Summer!! :)
28 May 2010
Parent Volunteers for Last Day Celebration
Pick up Sub sandwiches from Walmart: Jennifer McCloskey (Bradner)
Karate Station 1:30-2:30: Toni Reder (Bradner)
Kickball Station 1:30-2:30: Cathy Shields (Palo), Tina Bruce (Burch)
Setting up for lunch, serving, and clean up 12:30-2:00: Amy Sheehy (Palo), Melissa Spencer (Bradner), Kathy McKay (Bradner), Sandy McMillen (Bradner), Julie Laupp (Bradner)
Popsicle Station 2:20-2:50: Stephanie Curd (Bradner), Nancy Hart (Bradner), Cynthia Crowley (Bradner), Tracy Beno (Palo)
There were three other parents who volunteered to pick up subs, Tammy Hund, Stacy Leventis, and Andrea Champagne. We probably only need one parent to do that. If you are interested in helping with the kickball or karate station, please feel free to do so....or if you would like to help Mrs. McCloskey pick up subs, please contact her.
We would like to honor you for all of you hard work with cake and coffee on Thursday, June 10, from 10:15-10:45, in Bradner/Palo’s classroom. If you have helped regularly in the classroom this year, and plan on coming, please RSVP by Friday, June 4th. We have heard back from a few of you. If you could respond either way, yes/no, that would be great. We want to make sure we are prepared for the correct number of people.
Mrs. Palo, Mrs. Burch, Ms. Bradner
Field Day Information from Mr. Adam
Please remind your students that they may want to bring a change of clothes. They may get wet and sweaty, so this would be a good idea. Also please remind the students to bring sun screen. I have told them all this week in PE class, but a friendly reminder today would be greatly appreciated. After Field Day is complete, pop cycles will be upstairs in the lounge freezer. Please take a head count and take as many as needed. If you have any questions please let me know and everyone have a great weekend!
Joe Adam
28 April 2010
Message from 4th Grade Parent Mrs. Sheehy
Amy Sheehy (Palo parent)
517.376.6373 h
517.404.5903 c
27 April 2010
No School Tomorrow
Conferences will be held Thursday only for students who were scheduled. You should have received a note about whether or not you were scheduled for a conference early last week.
Science test for all classes on Friday.
16 April 2010
Important Info!
Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, April 19.
The Fine Arts Festival is Thursday, April 22. Students need to be "ready to go" next to their lockers at 7:20pm. Their performance begins at 7:30pm. You will be able to purchase books at the Book Fair in the Media Center, and check out the art work in the hallways!
Book Fair browsing Bradner, Palo, and Burch browse Monday. Highum will browse Tuesday. Bradner/Palo classes will shop Wednesday and Burch/Highum classes will shop Thursday.
The 4th grade Spelling Bee is Friday, June 11. Some rules and information you might need for the spelling bee...
- There will be classroom spelling bee's to determine the top 5 spellers from each fourth grade classroom.
- We will choose words from the list that was sent home, as well as words from the dictionary for the grade level spelling bee.
- Students must repeat the word, spell the word, then repeat the word again to signal they are done spelling. They may ask to begin again, however they may not change the spelling from their first response.
There is no school for students on Wednesday, April 28.
Our last field trip will be to the Howell Nature Center on Friday, May 21. Details and permission slip will be sent home soon.
12 April 2010
Volunteers needed
**5th Grade Celebration** A new tradition is beginning this year!! Our school would like to ask fourth grade parents to help host our 5th grade celebration. This will allow 5th grade parents the opportunity to enjoy the experience with their child. Of course, the plan is to have this tradition carry on, so you will be able to enjoy the celebration next year with your 5th grader!! If you are interested in helping with the fifth grade celebration this year, please let your child's teacher know and we will pass your name along.
01 April 2010
Spring Break and a few more things!
There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, April 2, through April 9. School will resume on Monday, April 12. Enjoy your spring break!! :)
Any spring pictures/money that has not been returned to school, needs to find its way here ASAP! Thanks!!
Report cards will be sent home with students on April 19.
Fourth graders will perform at the Fine Arts Festival on Thursday, April 22. Time TBA. Plan to come check out the book fair and artwork before they sing!
On Wednesday, April 28, students will not have school due to professional development.
Thursday, April 29, some conferences will be scheduled. These are on an as-needed basis and your child's teacher will contact you and let you know if a conference is needed.
26 March 2010
notes and reminders
- Hutchings has been recognized for Michigan Green School status! Great job, Hutchings! We all should be very proud of this accomplishment! Special THANKS to Mrs. Palo for her hard work and getting the "ball rolling" for us to become a Green School!!
- All fourth grade classes will test Math Unit 8 on Tuesday, March 30.
- Spelling Test 23 Monday...no new spelling unit next week.
- Our classrooms are running low on Kleenex. Any donations would be appreciated!
- Wednesday is the last day to turn in slips for March is Reading Month!! Please make sure your child turns in a slip so our school can adopt an acre of rainforest!! We are Hutchings will be showing the movie The Jungle Book on the wall of the gym Wednesday for the end of March is Reading Month! The movie will be at 1:30. It should be a fun time!
- Bradner/Palo classes Southwest Map Quiz Wednesday. Burch Vocab. quiz Chapter 1 Wednesday.
- PLEASE make sure to send back spring pictures if you are not planning to purchase them. If you are, please send in your picture money by April 1. Thanks!!
- There is NO SCHOOL Friday, April 2 through Friday, April 9. Classes will resume on Monday, April 12. Enjoy your Spring Break!! :)
12 March 2010
Field Trip Reminders and more :)
Field Trip!! Our Field Trip to Cranbrook is Tuesday (March 16). Please send students with a disposable sack lunch for the trip labeled with your child's name. We are leaving at 9:15 and we'll return to school at 3:15pm. At Cranbrook we will be viewing two exhibits: Season Changes and Moon Phases (planetarium) and Electricity and Magnetism! Sudents may have time to shop at the store, so they may bring a few dollars if they wish. Students will be responsible for holding their own money. Students may also bring a camera that they will be responsible for. Chaperones, please meet at school by 9am for grouping and instructions. Remember to pack yourself a lunch, and we will need you to drive separately and follow the busses. It's going to be a great trip!
Upcoming Tests: Burch/Highum Social Studies test on Chapters 8/9 is Wednesday, March 17. Spelling Test 21 is Monday (for all classes).
Penny Drive: The fourth graders earned a movie reward for the Penny Drive. We will be watching a G-rated movie in the afternoon on March 26. Awesome job, 4th graders!
Vocabulary packet info: Bradner/Palo tested unit one vocab today, so unit two packets will go home Monday. Burch vocab packets due Monday, Highum vocab packets due Wednesday.
READ! READ! READ! We are encouraging every student to turn in one slip so we can adopt an acre of Rainforest! :)
Girls on the Run begins Tuesday after school! Don't forget your running shoes, girls!
Rollerrama is Thursday, March 18, from 6:30-8:30.
The next After School Swim is March 26. Students need to have money, permission slip, and swim stuff. Sign up in the office the morning of the swim.
05 March 2010
- Thank you to Mrs. Sheehy, Mrs. Osterman, Mrs. Rollins, Mrs. Leventis, Mrs. Laupp, and Mrs. Spencer! Our rainforest hallway is beautiful! Take a look!!!! Special thank to Brad Dick and family who made 5 beautiful rainforest posters for our hallway!!!!!
- Picture day is this MONDAY--no money needed:)
- READ!! The goal is that EVERY students reads and turns in AT LEAST one slip by the end of the month! If we meet our goal, we adopt an acre of rainforest. This also is their book it calendars....turn in the blue calendar. We do not want to fill out two calendars.
- Math test is Wednesday (study guides will be coming home).
- Spelling test Monday.
- Purple progress report slips are due Monday (they are coming home today with your child).
- Vocabulary packets due Monday for Burch, Bradner, and Palo.
26 February 2010
March is Reading Month!
If you have any empty paper towel rolls or other recyclable items we could use to decorate our hallways like a rainforest, please send them in with your child on Monday. Thanks!
Next week:
Monday: February Book-it calendars are due
Wednesday: Animal Magic Assembly & Waste Free Wednesday
Friday: Flashlight Reading
March 16 - Field Trip to Cranbrook. If you have not sent it your $16 donation, please do so as soon as possible. Have a great weekend!
12 February 2010
Upcoming Reminders and Events
- No school on Monday, February 15, 2010! Enjoy!
- Carnival is next Friday, February 19, 2010! Please turn in all donations by Tuesday, February 16th, so we can assemble baskets:)
- No school for students on February 25th...this is a professional development day.
- Vocabulary packets due every Monday in Bradner/Palo classes...next week...the packet will be due on Tuesday (2/16), since we have no school on Monday.
- Spelling test on Tuesday, February 16th.
- Science test on Friday, February 19th in Bradner/Palo classes.
28 January 2010
No School Friday...and a few other things!
Thank you for the carnival basket raffle donations that have come in so far! Please send donations in by Monday, February 15. (Bradner/Palo - Fun and Games, Highum - gift cards, Burch - A Day at the Beach) Thanks so much!!
Unit 6 Math Test for all 4th grade classes is Thursday, February 4.
Burch/Highum Social Studies Chapter 6/7 Test is Friday, February 5.
Report Cards will be sent home with students on Friday, February 5.
Have a nice weekend! :)
22 January 2010
Important News and Notes!
Carnival Basket donations needed! We are making baskets to raffle off at our school carnival on Friday, February 19th. The money we earn will be used for our classrooms. Burch's theme is "A Day at the Beach." Highum's theme is "Gift Cards." Palo/Bradner is "Fun and Games." Fun and Games can include any games (sporting, board, outdoor, indoor...anything FUN:) If you would rather send in cash donations, we will make purchases for the baskets. We are asking for all donations by Monday, February 15th. If any parents are interested in assembling baskets, please email your classroom teacher.
Spelling Test unit 15 on Monday. Don't forget to study notes and Words to Learn!
PJ Day is Thursday, January 28. Students may wear appropriate PJ's to school for 50 cents. Donations will go into our grade level Penny Drive jar! Our goal is $400 per grade level.
Second Quarter ends Thursday, January 28. Report Cards will go home on Friday, February 5.
There is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, January 29.
4th Grade Super Bowl (Chargers vs. Wolverines) is Friday, February 5th, from 10-11am. It will be held in the Hutchings Gym.
Schedule of Events:
10:00am – Warm Up
10:05am – Player Introductions
10:10am – National Anthem
10:15am – Begin Game
10:30am – Half Time Show10:35am – 2nd Half
10:50am – Trophy Presentation
All families of players or halftime show performers are invited to attend the 4th Grade Super Bowl. There will be a professionally edited DVD of the Super Bowl & Halftime Show available for purchase approximately 1-2 weeks after the game ($3.00). See Mr. Horne for details.
15 January 2010
Important 4th Grade News
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 18, 2010. No school in honor of this day!
- Penny Drive going on now! The goal is $400.00 per grade level. All coins and bills are accepted as positive points for our grade.
- Campbell Soup label and box top competition going on now! Keep sending them in!
- Spelling test 13 is Tuesday, January 19th for ALL fourth grade classes!
- Southeast region (states and capitols) map quiz is Thursday, January 21st for ALL fourth grade classes!
- Carnival Baskets--we are making baskets to raffle off at our school carnival on Friday, February 19th. The money we earn will be used for our classrooms. Burch's theme is "A Day at the Beach." Highum's theme is "Gift Cards." Palo/Bradner is "Fun and Games." Fun and Games can include any games (sporting, board, outdoor, indoor...anything FUN:) Please start sending donation on Tuesday. We will also accept cash donations to make purchases for the baskets. We are asking for all donations by Monday, February 15th. If any parents are interested in assembling baskets, please email your classroom teacher.
- Look for field trip information sheet coming home today! We are going to Cranbrook on March 16th. We also have a field trip to the Nature Center on Friday, May 21st.
08 January 2010
news and notes 1/8/10
*For Burch/Highum classes: We are in need of any small plastic containers (dip/butter) for a Science project. Please send in small plastic containers by Friday, January 15. Thanks!!
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, January 18, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day.
In the event of any snow days on January 26, 27 and/or 28, the high school exam schedule would be delayed accordingly. This impacts all K-12 students because, should school be closed on any of those days, the scheduled “no-school” day for students on January 29 would be changed. The "no school" day would be bumped into the next week depending on how many snow days occur. (ex. If one snow day occurs Jan 26/27/28, the teacher work day would be Monday, Feb. 1.)
Enjoy the cold, snowy weekend! :)