25 September 2013

Updates 9/25

  • If you have not signed up for classroom text reminders, we are sending home another copy of the instructions for your information. 
  • Our Fourth Grade Blog is great!  It is packed with resources, updates, and information for 4th graders and their families.  Be sure to check it out, and sign up for email updates (at the top left).  This is a great way to stay informed.  There are many content area resources and games available!
  • Students received their Everyday Math Online user information last week.  Please use this resource for games and printing extra copies of study links, if needed.  There is also an online Student Reference Book available, in case your child forgets his/hers at school.
  • School Picture Day is tomorrow!!  Wear your smile! :)
  • Bradner/Palo classes have a Social Studies quiz this Friday.  Study Guides are in their Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN).  They are reviewing today.
  • Bradner book orders are due Friday!  
  • Hurricane Hustle envelopes can be returned each Friday for prizes.  The Hurricane Hustle is Friday, October 18, in the afternoon.
  • 10/8-10/16 MEAP Testing  (Please avoid scheduling appointments or vacations for this time period.)
We hope you're having a great week! :)

17 September 2013

Updates from 4th grade

Updates for this week:

*Thursday is our first math test covering Unit 1.  Students received their study guide today and should make sure to have it in class tomorrow for reviewing. 

*Students will have a Spelling Test each Monday.  They should review their Words to Learn, Preview Words, and skill for the week to prepare for the test.

*Picture Day is September 26. 

*MEAP testing is October 8-16.  Please avoid scheduling appointments during this time, if possible.  Thank you!

*You may sign up to receive email updates from our blog (http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com).  Simply go to our blog and enter your email in the box on the top left of the page.  This is one of the best ways to keep up with updates from 4th grade!

*You can access math study links on the Howell Schools webpage (under Academics, Elementary Math) or on our 4th grade Blog (http://hutchings4th.blogspot.com).

*If you have not signed up yet for Remind101, you may want to do so.  Information was handed out at Open House.  This allows you to receive text message updates and reminders from your child's teacher.

06 September 2013

First Week of School!

It's been a great first week of school and we enjoyed seeing so many of you at Open House!  Please make sure to send your email address to your child's teacher, so we can compile a class email list.  We will be updating this blog regularly, so make sure to check back often!  Have a great weekend! :)

Ms. Bradner (bradnerm@howellschools.com)
Mrs. Burch (burchm@howellschools.com)
Mrs. Palo (paloh@howellschools.com)