28 April 2010

Message from 4th Grade Parent Mrs. Sheehy

Hello fourth grade parents! Staff appreciation week is coming up next week, and I have been asked to provide a certain food group to the luncheon, which is on the 5th of May (I am being as subtle as possible so as to not let the teachers know too much too soon). If you are able to help me out with donations of particular food items, could you please email me ASAP, and I will fill you in on what I need. Thanks so much!!!
Amy Sheehy (Palo parent)

517.376.6373 h
517.404.5903 c

27 April 2010

No School Tomorrow

Just a reminder, there is no school tomorrow for students.

Conferences will be held Thursday only for students who were scheduled. You should have received a note about whether or not you were scheduled for a conference early last week.

Science test for all classes on Friday.

16 April 2010

Important Info!

Conference slips come home today. Spring conferences are only scheduled if needed. Please sign and return Monday. Thanks!

Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, April 19.

The Fine Arts Festival is Thursday, April 22. Students need to be "ready to go" next to their lockers at 7:20pm. Their performance begins at 7:30pm. You will be able to purchase books at the Book Fair in the Media Center, and check out the art work in the hallways!

Book Fair browsing Bradner, Palo, and Burch browse Monday. Highum will browse Tuesday. Bradner/Palo classes will shop Wednesday and Burch/Highum classes will shop Thursday.

The 4th grade Spelling Bee is Friday, June 11. Some rules and information you might need for the spelling bee...
  • There will be classroom spelling bee's to determine the top 5 spellers from each fourth grade classroom.
  • We will choose words from the list that was sent home, as well as words from the dictionary for the grade level spelling bee.
  • Students must repeat the word, spell the word, then repeat the word again to signal they are done spelling. They may ask to begin again, however they may not change the spelling from their first response.

There is no school for students on Wednesday, April 28.

Our last field trip will be to the Howell Nature Center on Friday, May 21. Details and permission slip will be sent home soon.

12 April 2010

Volunteers needed

**BOOK FAIR** PTO is in need of volunteers to help with our Book Fair next week, April 19th through April 23rd. If you are interested, please contact your child's teacher or PTO.

**5th Grade Celebration** A new tradition is beginning this year!! Our school would like to ask fourth grade parents to help host our 5th grade celebration. This will allow 5th grade parents the opportunity to enjoy the experience with their child. Of course, the plan is to have this tradition carry on, so you will be able to enjoy the celebration next year with your 5th grader!! If you are interested in helping with the fifth grade celebration this year, please let your child's teacher know and we will pass your name along.

01 April 2010

Spring Break and a few more things!

There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, April 2, through April 9. School will resume on Monday, April 12. Enjoy your spring break!! :)

Any spring pictures/money that has not been returned to school, needs to find its way here ASAP! Thanks!!

Report cards will be sent home with students on April 19.

Fourth graders will perform at the Fine Arts Festival on Thursday, April 22. Time TBA. Plan to come check out the book fair and artwork before they sing!

On Wednesday, April 28, students will not have school due to professional development.

Thursday, April 29, some conferences will be scheduled. These are on an as-needed basis and your child's teacher will contact you and let you know if a conference is needed.